The Apprentice’s Sermon

Part motivation, part madness.

Ryan Barker
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readMar 28, 2023


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This, my friend, is going to be hard —
It has to be.

Let me be clear — I’m no sadist; I’m not deliberately trying to seek hardship
I’m seeking the truth…which as far as I’m aware, resides some place along the path of navigating difficult questions

Perhaps the truth is the question!

If things get easy, and something seems too good to be ‘true’…
Then it probably is
And it’s time to consider packing up, moving on

There will be times of rest along the way
And you will do well to relish in these times —
But remember this: the only reliable metric for “how am I doing?”…
Is how am I doing…
Is how am I doing…
Is how am I doing…

Is the soothing attenuation of each question’s echo,
Equanimity in the face of no clear response,
And a growing appetite for mystery and the unknown

This — is getting somewhere.

