The Art of Being


Christin The Mystic
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
8 min readFeb 18, 2022


Throughout life, we are often in a hurry to do something, anything. We’re in a rush to grow up, to go to school, to finish school, to get a job, to get married, to start a family, to be the best parents, and the list goes on. In our effort to please those around us, we forget that we’re here to please ourselves, and as we grow, what we gain should be an extension of ourselves to others. Not the other way around.

From the moment we are conceived, we master the art of being. We all develop at a similar pace, and no one expects nor wants a baby to come before its completed gestational period because it is understood that the baby would be underdeveloped in some way. This is the same in life. When we move in a hurry, we then are underdeveloped, under-evolved and way too early.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Being is the art of arriving at your destination or destiny right on time. Not a minute before. Not a minute after. Babies have mastered this art so well that by time we are a year old, we can talk, crawl, walk, feed ourselves and even run. They aren’t trying to run at a week old. They allow their own development, moving at the appropriate speed and as a result, blossom beautifully.

This is an art that we all possess but as we grow older in age, we are influenced by those around us, who have also been taught to be in a hurry, and this demonstration is then passed from generation to generation, slowly chipping away at our natural ability to just be. Next thing we know, we’re 50 years old and begin to realize that we haven’t lived at all and have just been existing all this time.

The good news is that there is still time to relearn this art, and by embodying this art, you’ll get back all the time you feel you’ve lost. You’ll begin to live, that is, experiencing life fully present by savoring the moments and tucking them into heart for safekeeping.

Being Still

Being still is the art of non-movement, requiring us to be alone with our thoughts. We are conditioned to be doing something or on our way to do something all the time. As a result, a lot of people find it difficult to sit down, rest and relax.

We feel anxious if we aren’t doing anything because we feel we are being unproductive. In a society where work is King and hustle is Queen, we often compare our level of productivity to others who are privately suffering from not enough rest.

Being still allows for mental, emotional as well as physical relaxation.

Our minds are busy all day and night thinking about our next moves or telling us what we can’t do, so being intentional about our stillness allows for you to hear your inner self. Which, if mastered, will tell you when to move, how to move and where to move.

We force our realities because we aren’t skilled at being still, but when we use force, the success is short lived. Listening in stillness will give you a step-by-step plan to achieve your goals, in which success will be everlasting.

Many of us fear being alone with our thoughts because we haven’t learned to control them, and as a result, don’t value the art of being still.

You are the master of your thoughts and stillness allows you to practice in order to improve your mind over the chatter. Stillness can be achieved by stopping, being alone, meditating, or focusing on a mindless activity such as painting, coloring or assembling a puzzle.

Being Present

Being present is being aware of the right now in this very moment. It’s the art of appreciating life from where you are today. Living in the past makes us feel depressed and living in the future make us feel anxious, but the only thing we have control over is the now.

We can control what we think today, moment to moment, and therefore how we feel today, moment to moment. No matter what is happening around us, we can pause and remind ourselves that we are here, right now, to be happy, again, no matter what.

When we live in the present, we are not in a hurry because we understand that what is for us will always be for us, and so, there is no need to rush something that has our name already written on it. This is where faith and trust enter our lives.

Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Faith is the act of having a strong belief and complete confidence in something. Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth and ability of something with no visible evidence. Faith and trust allow us to surrender and let things be, with the knowing that all is well.

Everything that you want is happening right now. When you asked for your business to be successful, your inner being immediately began preparing you for that success. There was so much you needed to know and experience before you could see the success you requested.

Being present is about enjoying the journey, not rushing to the destination. There is only one destination and it’s the final one, death.

Practice being present by experiencing the use of all five senses. Whatever you are doing and wherever you are, remember to take in the environment with your eyes by appreciating the colors, the beauty and aesthetics of your surroundings. Notice the beautiful aromas coming from any areas, people of yourself. If there isn’t anything to smell anything, be thankful for the health of your nostrils and the ability to smell, which is often taken for granted until when we’re under the weather.

Listen intently with your ears to hear children playing, cars going by, birds chirping or water dripping. These are all signs that we’re alive. Be thankful. When you have a meal, take your time and taste the flavors blend together on your palate.

Savor the drink you have, whether it’s water, wine or a nice cold beverage. Feel around your environment and experience the different textures. Rub your pet, feel your clothes, or feel your skin. Feel how alive you are. Feel the warmth of blood moving through your body. Thank God you’re alive.

Being Alive

Being alive is not about our physical existence. It is about making your life your own. It’s the art of living, and not existing. Most people don’t know the difference and therefore are leading less than fulfilled lives.

Our mothers are the portals in which we emerge but are you aware of how hard it is be conceived, developed and then born? You did a lot of work to get here Earth side, and you came to enjoy the fruits of that labor. You deserve happiness, joy, abundance, health, love and everything else your heart desires.

“Impossible is an opinion…”

There are no limitations in being alive. Impossible is an opinion of those who are living and believe they can have everything they desire. Others limitations are not yours and should not be taken as such. Your dreams are alive and well, waiting to be born. Living life on your terms and refusing to be told how to live allows for a life full of aliveness.

Being alive is being the leader of your life. Not waiting for something to happen but making things happen. It’s being active as opposed to passive. It’s being absent of any worry or fear, trusting that everything is happening in your favor and for the favor for all.

Imagine being 95 years old, looking back on life and laughing at all the things you worried about: money, your kids, romance, appearance, how others saw you. If you knew right now that all would be well — all that you love, all that you created, you wouldn’t waste a single second worrying. That time can be now. Say your prayers then, release the burden of worry to the higher power and be alive.

Being Fun

Being fun is the art of being exactly who you are. Showing up as your full, silly, childlike self. It is where the absence of overthinking lives. In this place, we do not care what others think, and so we can say whatever is on our hearts.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

One day, while taking a walk in the park with my husband, I felt the urge to do a cartwheel. I have no idea where this feeling came from, and it was strong. So, in the middle of the path, without warning, I began doing cartwheels. My husband, a little shocked at first glance, just looked and smiled. We both laughed. He told me I was good at doing cartwheels and should do more. I told him that when I was a child, I had a dream of becoming a gymnast. I was a fan of the 1996 Olympics American Gymnast team, featuring Dominique Dawes. I obsessively watched with my grandparents every day it was on and used our front yard as a practice floor, from handstands to round-offs, I saw myself performing in front of millions of people. In that moment at the park, I realized that I hadn’t did a flip in almost 25 years, and it was something I loved to do as a child, because it was fun.

Our entire lives are assessed from the moment we arrive on this earth. We’re given labels and are measured by others according to our age, weight, height and other factors. As we “age”, we receive instruction on how to prepare for the “real world”, that is, becoming an adult. Which means, not being able to be a kid. Many people grieve this period, especially males, who are often told that they’re “immature”, and less mature than girls. The truth is, we’d be wise to hold on to our childlike nature, and many of us spend our lifetimes nurturing our inner child.

No one has to tell us how to be. If we close our eyes and relax, then we are doing exactly that, “being”. It’s not an act of figuring out how to be. It’s just easing into who we already are. It’s allowing the flow of life to wash over you, dancing with the rhythm and the waves. Gliding over the floor with such elegance and grace, that it appears effortless.

As babies and children, it was natural but as adults, we are unlearning what the world has told us to be, and relearning what we knew from the start, that life is much better when we just be, trusting our instincts and following them, asking no questions.



Christin The Mystic
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Lightworker | Spiritual Teacher | Consciousness Coach & Consultant - I write about spirituality, conscious philanthropy, leadership, and co-parenting.