The Beginning of My End (A Poem)

For some things to begin, others have to be declined. This was my beginning of the “end”. What is yours?

Areeba Ashrafi
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readJun 2, 2024


By Areeba Ashrafi

Regrets I held and ties I broke,
Lies I spoke and truths I held in my heart,
The pain that I endured did not justify,
Ignorance of my speech,
That I still have for the ones who love me.

All the cuts that I could not patch up,
Because you walked away uninformed,
Leaving me broken,
Making me wonder,
Why is it taking me so long to heal and recover?
From something that I never held on to for that much longer?

The answer-
Lies in regrets!

Regrets that I held on too long after you left.
Regrets that I soothed where you did not deserve.

I now know,
Regrets were necessary
for the beginning of my end.

Copyright: Areeba Ashrafi

Disclaimer: Every poem published on my medium blog is original. Reposting without credits is not allowed.

About the Author

Areeba Ashrafi

Describing life experiences in raw words. Connect with me through Instagram.

Remember — Love & Kindness can shape the world around you and heal the person within you.

Meet you at the other end.



Areeba Ashrafi
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A pharmacist and future Biotechnologist, who loves reading books, writing raw words stuck in her mind. I love poetry, research and all things in between.