The Choice Is Up To You

Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readApr 17, 2021

30 Days of Poetry Day 7: Choice offers reward or consequences

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Every day you wake up,
And choose to get out of bed.
Every night as the darkness rolls in,
You choose to rest your head.

Your choice is yours to eat that food.
It’s your choice what you drink.
But be careful exactly what you choose,
The consequences are greater than you may think.

Say today you choose to take a walk,
Tomorrow you may be sore.
But think of what might happen,
If you chose to never walk out that door.

We must take responsibility
For the choices that we make.
But if we just let life happen to us,
Well, that’s a choice too, for goodness’ sake.

Sometimes we reap the benefits
Of the items that we sow.
Other times there are consequences
That run deeper than we’ll know.

But do not let this paralyze you,
Do not let it keep you still.
Move forward and continue to live your life,
Making whatever choices that you will.

For life is far too short,
Too important to ignore.
If you chose to do nothing,
Well, you may just die a bore.

Go forth and conquer many new things,
The choice is up to you.
Consequences may exist,
But so many rewards await you, too.



Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about life. Healing, growing, truly living. Trauma can hold us down, sometimes just sharing your story will set you free.