The “Death of the Ego”

How to overcome pain from a new approach to life

Blanca Sánchez
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readJan 20, 2024


Photo by Daniel Mirlea on Unsplash

As humans, we experience many fears in life since our brains’ main function is to keep us alive. The point here is how you approach these fears to let them drive your life or just put a seed of possibility in it.

When I talk about the Death of the Ego is from a perspective of self-care and letting life be as it comes. Every day you experience a new death since what happened belongs to the past, and what you have is a new day to overcome and fill with things that make you free.

Some months ago I wrote a journal entry about it because I took a leap of faith and changed my path in life. It was tough at first, I’m still adjusting to change, but I know it’s going to be great thanks to that spark that comes from my heart.

In this article, I’ll share my experiences overcoming different “Deaths of the Ego”.


No one prepares us to die, they don’t even talk about it because they haven’t experienced it yet.

When we’re young, we are told that we can only die once and go to heaven. However, I’m only 22 and I have died many more times.

We’re told, as Christians, that on the other side of the darkness is the light to the end of our journey. What would happen if I told you that behind this light you’ll find Paradise? This is where life begins. It doesn’t matter what other people may say if they haven’t been there.

I’m not talking about a real death, but a mindset change.

People avoid the Death of the Ego because they don’t want to experience pain. Nevertheless, once you start living from there, you’ll find is not that bad. You outgrow your limiting beliefs and you start trusting there are so many more things you can still live and create.

Every time I see a new one coming I promise myself not to let it be as much as the ones before since, sometimes, I still don’t feel like I want to lose it all. It looks like I’m freer than I think and I end up taking every opportunity that life puts me and resonates with me without risks.

Life has been going on while I’ve been discovering myself on the way. Before taking life from this point of view I used to think of death as a result you could only live once, but this is only for the body because we can constantly change our minds.

People who don’t believe in it tend to use the word “crazy” to get distance from pain, but they don’t know there’s more life on the other side of negative energies.

I was born with a strong soul and raised with a stronger personality. This kept growing until my first Ego Death. I didn’t decide it consciously so I felt scared. However, part of my identity was replaced. From that moment I started to let it go as a trail of scales.

Since I was little, I have loved mermaids. I used to say that I would live by the beach because I wanted to be one someday.

Photo by Ashley Ibarra on Unsplash

Now that I’m a young woman I still think this way, I’m a big dreamer trying to pursue life through dance and I sing every day even though I might not feel my best. This way my soul finds its space to express without the limits that words can find. I also write to let my mind share its dreams and questions about life.

I’ve never been good at looking or listening. I’m so intense that I can only observe and hear. Have you ever thought about the difference between them?

For me, words save a special meaning and it’s important to use the right ones when expressing an intention.

Can you even think about how much time it takes me to get to the corner of the street with all the beautiful things I find myself surrounded by? I’m more used to it now, but when I was little I used to feel like I was running everywhere since I didn’t have enough time to appreciate life. It was exhausting. I think this is why I’ve never liked to run.

My blood is dense too. I’m not a doctor. I only have checked many times when I’ve tried to run faster in life than what my body could handle. It still happens to me sometimes.

The truth is I love to hear him beat without stress. Actually, I like to imagine him as an old man sitting on his couch enjoying life peacefully while reading a beautiful novel.

I’ve tried many times to make him work faster, but if you have talked with your grandpa you already know how stubborn they can be so it’s better to let it be, another ego death here.

It’s curious how it all comes to death again. May it be because everything that starts also has an end? Do you know the positive part of it? Once you get used to it you start to be conscious when it’s starting to happen again and you get ready for it.

Passion has always been my driving force, and I highly recommend you let her guide you too. She knows the path from the heart. The death of the ego also shows you how important is to be grateful for everything you have in life to feel at peace even though if it goes away and you can only accept the loss.

I don’t know, maybe, we have already met and I’ll see you again. Would you imagine ourselves meeting up in another life? Don’t overthink it too much. Just remember…

Life is like the sea,

let it be…

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

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