The Dream That Turned Into A Penguin

A short story

Francesca Dallaglio
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Al Soot on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a man whose dream was to live in Antarctica.

He had spent his entire life preparing for it, and, by the time he was middle-aged, he was ready.

He had worked since he was fourteen to put apart the money he needed to buy all of the necessary equipment to live there and secure himself a place there.

Then, the day before his departure, both his parents died in a car crash.

He found himself destroyed by that loss, unable to leave, unable to do anything.

After some time, a friend was able to convince him to go to a support group with him.

The man was still really depressed, and he was skeptical that the group could help him in any way, but he accepted to make his friend happy.

Once there, the group leader started to make the participants engage in trance-like mental exercises such as “what color is your aura” and “find your inner animal”.

All of the participants enthusiastically dived into that, closing their eyes and actively trying to succeed.

The man felt like he was the only skeptical one in the room. He didn’t feel like doing any of the exercises, he didn’t feel like actively trying to get into a state of…



Francesca Dallaglio
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Author, journalist, wannabe novelist. Constantly looking for new things to obsess over. 4X Top Writer.