The Fated Life Versus the Destined Path

What will you choose?

Charlotte Eléa
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readSep 15, 2021


Your fated life versus your destined path — what will you choose?

This is the question spirit posed to me every day as I moved through the most challenging spiritual initiation of my life. What those of us on a spiritual path like to call “the dark night of the soul.”

When I could no longer push away my deepest shadows into my unconscious, and when I could no longer project them onto another, spirit told me that I had a choice: Fate versus destiny. This was my moment of reckoning.

Now that I am on the other side of it, I find that this question of fate versus destiny makes its way into almost everything I talk about.

This is the question that weaves figure-8 patterns around my energy field as I ponder the question of, “What am I here for? What is my purpose?”

I believe our collective destiny as a species depends on us each asking this question and choosing wisely.

What is the fated life?

Fate is everything you already know. The fated life is one in which you remain stuck in cycles of unconscious karma and inherited patterns of the past. Where time seems to repeat itself over and over again.

Fate is the hamster wheel. It is the Wheel of Fortune card in the tarot. Fate tricks you at every turn with a belief of “this time it’ll be different.”

When in reality the fated life is an unconscious one. Your life is being controlled by invisible energetic forces that are not for your greatest good.

The currents of fate are strong. Our ancestors scream and cry their warnings through our blood not to break the bonds of time. They program these warnings into our cells and DNA.

The fated life is comfortable, because the known is always less scary than the unknown, even when it comes with inherited pain and trauma.

But only for a while. Eventually we get tired of the endless cycles of fate. Eventually the well-worn path is no longer the most compelling one.

When this happens, we know we are ready for something bigger. We are ready to step into our destined path.

What is the destined path?

Destiny is everything your soul desires to learn and experience this lifetime. The destined path is the change you desire to be. It begins with creating new timelines, and paving new pathways through the wilderness.

Destiny is the shooting star. It is the Judgment card in the tarot. Your destiny calls to you with a yearning and ferocious fire of determination deep in your heart to break the shackles of fate.

To be done with the repetition of trauma, wounding and despair! To be done with scarcity and lack! To begin to open to the gifts of this life.

Destiny asks you to face your greatest fears and leap off a cliff into the magnificent unknown waters below. Destiny requires deep surrender — deeper than you have ever even let yourself contemplate before.

Your destiny sets you free from your fate. It heals the trauma. It ends the repetition of pain and suffering. It cuts the chords to all allegiances and soul contracts that are not in the highest good of all.

Your destiny is the gift of your life lived fully in the hear-and-now.

It is rooted in joy, abundance and expansion. It is fully embodied. It is for yourself but also for others because your destiny helps others to step out of their own fates and into their destined paths.

Your destiny weaves a thread of healing transformation for the entire planet.

Fate in known. Destiny is created. Fate is safe. Destiny is freedom.

What does your fate tell you? It has a voice.

Does it tell you to stay hidden and quiet, to not fluff feathers? Does it tell you to stay put in your thankless job, to not risk the stability you have worked so hard to reach? Does it tell you that your dreams are childish fantasies, and that life is meant to be hard and full of sacrifice?

The voices of fate are alluring. But your destiny also has a voice. Destiny tells you to make the impossible possible. It tells you that you are a leader, not a follower.

Destiny tells you that you are not alone. It asks you to take just that first step, and then another, and another, and trust you will be met each step of the way.

Destiny reminds you that your life is a gift. It embraces you in the knowing that your soul chose you. It ultimately asks you, what will you do with this one precious life knowing you will never have another one like it?

The voice of destiny can be snuffed out by fate over time. But if you begin listening, it will return, greater and louder than ever before.

When you are ready to take that leap, your destiny will cry out with longing from your heart. It will burst forth with all the exuberance and fanfare of the start of a great race.

It will grab you by the wrist and exclaim, “What more do you have to lose? Let’s go!”

The fated life versus the destined path: I am here to ask you, which path will you choose?



Charlotte Eléa
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Spiritual guide, priestess and healer, transmuting fate into destiny. Awakening divine feminine codes and writing about it.