The Girl in my Office

Literal, but oh so symbolic.

Ryan Barker
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Monika Kozub on Unsplash

Let me deal with this
Here and now
So I don’t have to work so hard
In my dreams

She comes to my laboratory
Sits in the chair
And slumps
She is wearing black

It’s her!
The one that I’ve been protecting
I held her in the tea room
Whilst the other girls threw stones at her

She slumps a little further
She is tired
She says she’s doesn’t give a fuck

My inner dialogue speaks:
“Prop yourself up!
You’re making me work
What do you really want?!”

She’s a bag of skin and bones
And I’m attracted to her
Her breasts are the only things
Holding her up

She’s sandy blonde
She’s been missed her whole life
I’ve missed her

She is so angry!
But she’s tired of being angry
She now has tears in her eyes
She is so sad

“I don’t want to cry!”
She says angrily
“I don’t want a friend (in me)!
I hate being a woman!
I’m just not feminine.
I get on better with boys.”

Oh, little darling…
If only you knew
How welcome you are

I hope my eyes told her this
I hope she knows
It’s hard —
I’m being professional
Calm. Composed.

But I’m squeezing her so hard
I’m dipping so deep
Into that chasm between us
You are so held
You are so held
I’ve got you

