The Great Misunderstanding of What A Woman’s Beauty Is

A sane understanding of big boobs, lushious lips, her smell, her sounds and the way she looks

Ida Eira Johannesen
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo of author, taken by Ida Kristiansen Balle

I once removed the entirety of my hair downstairs — like: all of it — after watching some bare friends in the shower at the gym.

It had never occurred to me before that removing all my pubic hair was a good idea. But watching the slick bodies of my friends, I wondered if removing my hair would make me more beautiful. So I decided to give my Brazilian style a go.

Back home, I regretted my experiment the moment I put my shaver down. My skin felt uncomfortable without hair on it. Bending down for a check, I found the look of my hairless lower lips… gross. I looked like a baby. As I positioned myself in front of the mirror to evaluate, all I could think of was a ribbed chicken. The thought: elegant and beautiful woman, didn’t strike me at all.

There was for sure nothing womanish or luscious about my hairless pubic area. I stood there in front of the mirror and felt robbed, naked, ill-treated, perverted. I had abused the most intimate parts of myself.

Actually, I love my body hair. I love to swipe my hand above the different textures covering up my skin. If I were intimate with another woman, I would…



Ida Eira Johannesen
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Personal development and spiritual pitfalls. I’m a performing artist and tea ceremonialist, with background from the tantric field.