The Healing Power of Mother Nature

How to Find Empowerment Through Mother Nature

A. N. Tipton
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay

“Moments of solitude with Mother Nature is sunshine to a soul.” ~Anthony Douglas Williams

As Mother’s Day is approaching in this month of May, now is a great time to honor the nurturing nature of our great mother, Mother Nature. Gaia. Earth. In nature, it’s no secret that great healing and peace can be found. We often overlook one of our greatest tools of empowerment, that of being out in nature.

Studies have proven that being out in nature can reduce stress, increase your immune system, help with depression and anxiety, and help ground our energy fields. Here are some ways you can utilize Mother Nature as a way to help reduce anxiety and promote healthy and empowering living.

Forest Bathing (shinrin-yoku) — This concept was born out of Japan as a type of forest-therapy. For the last couple decades Japanese researchers have found that walking in forests can lower levels of stress hormones, which helps with lowering blood pressure and increasing immune-system functionality. Taking extended walks or staying overnight in forests helps changes in the blood, offering protection against cancer. Not only that, but it was also found that being surrounded by trees and plants have aromatic compounds called phytoncides. Similar to the effects…



A. N. Tipton
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am a Writer, a Lover of Books, a Mother & an Usui Reiki Master who loves to read & write & all things Universal. Words move me, inform me, inspire me.