The Imaginary Line

Crossing it is the first step

Bin Jiang
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


When you went on this route did you look back?

Image By Dương Nhân From Pexels

Or did you ever worry if what you wrote was good enough to have an audience?

keep hiding,
the you,
the incompetent
in you.

don’t listen
to them,
but to me,
the you; me.

more action,
take the action,
wait, stop, don’t wait
just be the action.

write, to read
to you, to me.
To they, them
to more of many of them.
But know,

is truly yours,
it was shown,
it was read,
it is recognized again they came.

trust me,
losing faith, the why
and the bait
that covers your reasoning.



Bin Jiang
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Editor of Write A Catalyst. Work w/ The Co-Existing Self to Capture ideas and deeper meaning in your writing. On mindset, business, psychology, philosophy and +