The Insane Desire of Our Unconscious

Poetry Challenge Day 22: At the centre is the void

Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Marek Piwnicki from Pexels

warning a bit raw: no authors damaged in the writing of this piece

If the center is the void
the vast emptiness
does it call out to be filled?

Nature abhors a void
okay vacuum
but what’s the difference?
both a space with no air.

Is the call of the void
as defined by the urban dictionary
an insane desire of my unconsciousness?

Does the void fill my conscious mind
with images of destruction, death and more questions?

I have been at the edge, seduced by the promises in the void.

I have seen my car plummet off the hi-lo bridge
into the murky waters of the Maumee below
as if it were occurring in “real-time”

I have calculated how many stories it would take
to fall into a painless death and have Jesus take me home
to the void. Or is it to avoid? More questions.



Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

An eclectic life: Waitress, Actress, Zoo Curator, Story Teller, Poet, Exhibit Designer, Writer, Farmer, Educator & Survivor .. Writing, essential as breathing.