The Key

Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readApr 12, 2021

30 Days of Poetry Day 5: The keys to discovering the answers you seek

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

hidden within a box
(a box that is marked with the passing of time
and the delicate touch of those who stumble upon it)
lies a key full of wonder and mystery

the key is said to be bronze or silver or gold
for some it is small and round at the top
for others the key is long, a shape of a heart on the handle
one thing is certain, though

it never turns the same lock twice

those who seek what the key beholds
they very rarely find it
rather, it prefers to show itself only briefly
and often disappears before the seeker ever notices

the lucky ones who see the box, the box that holds such magic
they are never looking for that which is beholden
“right place, right time” the seekers say with envious tongues
but the truth is that the key only appears to those who are ready

those who have done the work
those who have accepted their plight
those who no longer cry out in anguish at the unfairness of life

then and only then will the box make its presence known
and the finder may discard it, as it appears quite dull
but something inside will call to him
a magnetic draw will suck him in

“open the box, finder, come see what’s inside”

the mystery is enough to drive a seeker mad
but the finder, he will come to know
that which the box possesses

the box opens with ease and the contents are revealed
the sounds of peace and tranquility
the smell of morning dew
the sight of a sole, lonely key

the key retains its wisdom
until the finder picks it up
a sense of warmth passes through his fingertips
suddenly, all is calm

that’s what this key provides
that which the finder’s heart most desperately desires
is suddenly transferred into his mind
into his soul

removed from a box
(a box covered in a light layer of dust
and fingerprints from finders before)
exists a key full of wonder and mystery

a key exploding with information

only the finder can know
only the seeker will desire

may you, one day, find the box
may you never seek it



Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about life. Healing, growing, truly living. Trauma can hold us down, sometimes just sharing your story will set you free.