The Language of Love

What matters most?

A.M. Radulescu
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readFeb 25, 2023


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Yesterday was our country’s version of Valentine’s Day. We call it Dragobete. We didn’t have special plans, but one of our favorite artists was having a show, so we went and enjoyed her transcendental music. Like always, it struck a cord in both of us. We listened, danced, even joined her in song for a few awkwardly wonderful beats. It was nothing fancy but very special at the same time. Afterward, we made our way to the subway. As we descended on the automatic stairs you stepped down further and shielded us from the billowing February wind. The gesture surprised me so much (why did it though) that I asked you for confirmation. You felt like scoffing, I could just tell, but instead went with a short nod like it was the most natural thing in the world. So natural that insisting on it was verging on ridiculousness. After all, to love someone is to care for them, protect them, and sometimes put them first. It is known. Of course it is known, but still it caught me off guard. That sweet, natural gesture meant more to me than any fancy dinner or fabulous present ever could. An expression of love at its simplest, at its purest.

Love shouldn’t be hard or complicated. When you find that special someone everything flows into being without prompting, without effort. But with nurturing, respect, care and letting go. Letting go of expectations, control, attachment. Letting go of the ego and embracing the spirit. The latter will guide much better than the first ever could.

In moments of clarity you can really glimpse how easy life is when you let it be so. How beautifully surprising is the unexpected, how glorious living in the Now can be.

Thank you, baby, for reminding me of that in a time of existential searching.

I love you, I appreciate it, I give thanks for the Gift that you are and for our blessed connection.

Te iubesc ❤️

by A.M. Radulescu

I’ve been taking a break from traditional writing (I still do my journaling), but this seemingly small gesture needed honoring. I’m humbled and forever grateful.



A.M. Radulescu
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Certified bookworm, published author, hopeful dreamer, advertising professional. Writing about life and self-growth.