The Manipulation in our Masks

Part One of the Throat Chakra

Anna Woods
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


photo captured by author

From a young age we are all taught to behave differently in certain situations. We are told to “be good” when the babysitter comes, or show our manners well when company is over. Our caretakers encourage us to be ourselves around friends and family, but don’t go too crazy, because we can’t embarrass anyone.

So may I ask, how many masks do you still wear?

I am currently reading a book titled The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and he is shedding light on the lack of choices that we have when we are children. Our parents instruct us on what is right and wrong in their mind and we obligingly agree and it establishes an agreement.

However, as we mature and develop our own patterns of thinking, the agreements are so ingrained that it is extremely difficult to break them, or even consider breaking them.

This my friend, is where the masks come into play, because we have not walked into our authenticity and established our own individual agreements.

We wear our masks to prevent from being found out, to avoid a difference in opinion or accept a different perspective. It is our attempt that people see the best versions of ourselves or else we will not be accepted for who we are. Therefore, we hide behind our masks until it…



Anna Woods
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Just a sober girlie in her 20's navigating, evolving, and trying to be 1% better every day. Author of The Healing Choice to Forgive