The Meaning of a Wet Bowl

Depends on who you ask


Photo of dried bowl by author.

A heart-shaped wooden bowl,
Filled with water.
And it should not be.

How did it get there?
How long has it been?
What can it mean?

I empty the bowl
And dry it out,
Then put it back.

End of issue?
Oh, no.
Oh, certainly not.

The mind says…
It is the rain’s fault!
There’s a leak in the roof.

Another storm is coming.
The roof will collapse,
Ruining the room.

The heart says…
A glass spilled!
The roof is fine.

Life is good.
The sun will emerge
In a room so pleasant.

Because of a bowl
Filled with water.
What does it mean?

Time will tell.
It rains and rains.
I watch and watch some more.



Betsy Hayhow Hemming
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Betsy Hayhow Hemming is an author and leadership coach. She writes fiction and creative nonfiction.