The Pain of Being Ignored

And how I am dealing with it


Black and white photo of a woman
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy. Portrait of a Woman on

Not being wanted was one of the biggest pains I had since I was 3 weeks old.

The feeling of being ignored (at times) by people in my Tango community ate at my confidence taking out the piece I needed to love myself.

I felt shunned, alone, unwanted and unattractive.

‘What is wrong with me?’ I would ask myself over and over again.

I am always making sure that I am friendly and kind.

I take people as they are. And people tell me that I am a nice dancer.

I just couldn’t understand what I had done wrong!

As soon as I saw that somebody who had danced with me before didn’t want to make eye contact, I made that mean that there was something wrong with me and that I was not good enough.

This sabotaging belief was the second biggest inner pain I carried for most of my life that misled me a thousand times into believing I could never make it to whatever I wanted to achieve.

It was so ingrained in me that I couldn’t separate from it.

That was the problem!

I knew it wasn’t true. It was just an incorrect assumption but it caused so much pain!!

