The Relationship

With yourself

Bernadette DeCarlo
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


A wakeful morning and my heart-thumping
skipping with the infatuation of another day with you

Hair curled with wispy locks bouncing upon my shoulders
like Shirley Temple curls while tap dancing

Lipstick on my puckered lips and coated with cherry drops
Harmonies of our bliss joined with an easy waltz

I robe my body-parts, accentuating my curves for your
inviting eyes to see, and humming in the daylight
and smiles from passerby’s

After many months the curtain has risen, infatuation is gone
The winded breeze freezes our tear-drops
There is more of what is wrong than right
We drifted too close to the sun and got scorched

The past is a foreign country, and I am different in it

It was a unique journey that led me back to the
only affair there is myself

Mirror, mirror on the wall parts of me were
broken branches that dried rotted
The features and images change, but it is me, all the same
It’s a clear reflection that hurt people hurt people

I see myself in you, infatuation, and it’s not always pretty
Most of the time, the mirror is too much

How did I live all these years and still didn’t recognize
what was obvious?

That all my relationships are with myself



Bernadette DeCarlo
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writing has healed me in ways that I could have never imagined.