The Rise And Fall Of KTHT

There is no right or wrong. There just is.

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

Back when I joined this platform in 2019, Medium was a very different place. Publications were thriving because writers were looking to publish their articles in as many of them as possible. It felt like Know Thyself was just a drop in the ocean that very few were aware of.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Covid-19 happened. People stayed home because they had no choice. They turned inward to cope with the uncertainty that was lingering around. They began submitting to pubs that were focused on self-awareness. And that, my friends, was the peak of KTHT!

As time progressed and things slowly got back to normal, people went back to their jobs or found a new one. I changed a few jobs myself. There was a shift in our community’s focus and, without a doubt, a shift in mine. Many large pubs closed, others became forgotten.

This is cyclical living. Life is not linear or fixed and it is in constant motion. We must surf the waves of change if we don’t want to drown.

Have we, as a publication and community, done a good job at keeping our head above the water? Depends who you ask. My only goal throughout these years has been to be a constant in people’s life.



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Editor at KTHT & Hobbies & Stories. Penning, polishing, and provoking thoughts. My online presence is vast, explore it here: