Themed Poetry Challenge — Month #1

Celestial Poetry

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Made by author in Canva Pro

Raise your hands if you missed our poetry challenges🙌!!! Yes? We did too! We actually came to the realization that we never launched a “themed poetry” challenge, which is such a shame, because there are literally endless possibilities that can be explored (there will be a total of 12 themes).

For this first month, we’ll be exploring celestial poetry — I’m talking planets, stars, galaxies, eclipses, black holes, meteoric showers and universal consciousness. Mix all of these concepts with depth, intrigue and a touch of spirituality and you get a cocktail of explosive imageries and profound brilliance.

To take off the pressure of writing every day, we will be doing this challenge one step at a time — therefore one poem/week. This way, you get plenty of time to refill your creative reservoir!

This week’s celestial poetry prompt is: Saturn’s Mouth.

Wait, if Saturn has a mouth, that means it can speak. What tales of time and existence might it reveal? What whispered secrets does this massive ball of hydrogen and helium carry within?

I already wrote something in response to this prompt, which I’ll share with you here:

Planets take their turn
In pleading with me every night,
They beg me to admire them
With my



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts /