There Is More to Life…

Than aspiring things that are bright — A Poem

Piyush Kamal🎖
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash

There is more to life than aspiring things that are bright

Your perception is skewed by the limitations of your own sight

Don’t get obsessed with your vision of those things that seems bright

Achievement of success is just a mere illusion of hollow might

Accumulating things that you don’t need will burden your life

There is more to life than aspiring things that are bright

You are not a clock that needs to be always right

You can spot the signs if you are willing to make your mind quiet

You can live your purpose by pursuing things that makes you excite

Constraints & Creativity might help you see beyond the horizons of your normal sight

There is more to life



Piyush Kamal🎖
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Published Author Who Loves to Play at the Intersection of Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, & Philosophy — Sharing the Slice of Wisdom Not on Paper but Screen