There is no Waste in Life

Everything has its meaning, and every action has its significance.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMar 12, 2024


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I used to question why I was doing these things when I knew I would get nothing in return. However, there was always a power that would not allow me to give up on my goals, so I continued on without considering the results I would eventually achieve. Nothing significant has been achieved as of yet, but I'm continuing to proceed with the same mindset.

I never bothered to glance around to observe the true situation and how it affected my behavior from the beginning. I gradually became aware of my surroundings and the things I was doing that were failing to produce any effects. This noticing eventually develops into an observation. I started noticing not just what was going on around me but also what I was doing.

One thing that I've learned from this observation is that, although at first I believed that everything I did was a waste of time,

I've since come to realize that, even though what you do may not immediately benefit you, it must still assist you in some way that you weren't aware of at the time.

Eventually, you will come to realize that your efforts were not entirely in vain.

Nothing in life is a waste since everything you experience and learn along the way serves as a guide for your life and ultimately aids in your personal development.

