
They Are The Problem

Poetic Perspective ~

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readNov 6, 2023


Photo by VENUS MAJOR on Unsplash

They say the “others” are inferior
They say the “others” abuse welfare
They say the “others” dilute their race
They say the “others” are violent criminals
They say the “others” abandon their families

Ironically those who make these insipid claims
and attack “others” are themselves poor, ignorant,
violent, deplorable unemployed welfare junkies.

Ironically it is the “others” who could justify violence
to combat their ill-treatment at the hands
of those poor ignorant violent white supremest morons.

But the “others” are not violent.
They are clever, smart, composed, patient, resigned,
and a credit to mankind, unlike those who demean them.

They are determined in their hatred.
But the tide, no, tsunami of racial equity
will resolutely roll on unabated.

Diversity is why species survived
each of Earth’s extinction events.
Eventually, as races commingle,
diversity like herd immunity
will be how mankind
survives man’s inhumanity to man.

It will simply fade away along with ethnicity.
We won’t be here to witness it, but it is inevitable,
barring another intervening extinction event.

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Ridge's Sense Of Stuff

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Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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