Things I Wish I Had Not Learned In My School

And maybe things I think I shouldn’t have been taught.

Aman Daniel
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Photo by Akara Yoth Tat on Unsplash

School is one the places where I have spent half of my life (8 to 9 hours a day). Also I was a regular school goer. Which leads to mixed emotions for my school.

Sometimes I love it and otherwise it looks fruitless to me.

Instead of all this, there were some things that I wish I had not learned or been taught in school. I sometimes regret learning those things.

If you also have some stuff about school you don’t like, please share with me.

Note : These are my personal points of view. This does not state that every teacher and school is the same as this.

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

1. The So Called Discipline

I clearly remember an incident when a friend of mine was a little late for a class. Instead of letting him in, the teacher stood him out of class for half an hour. What would have happened even if they had let him in? The class had not even started anyway. Questioning them results in a very absurd answer which is… it is discipline.

Students have to be present in assembly (when sun is directly above head) – don’t know why. By the way, classes start 1 hour after this so-called thing.

Discipline is good but this unnecessary stuff in the name of discipline is nonsense.

2. Writing Work

Making assignments for teachers who never try to read it once. And this all happens just to gain ten marks. I myself had asked this question to a teacher. Saying – why we have to write so many pages when there is no one looking at it. Teacher – it is for your writing habit.

What value does it add to my life when it is just a work of copy and paste.

3. Creativity Cut

Many creative souls and brains come to school for studying and enhancing their skills. But here our system forces everyone to think like how your teacher thinks.

It happens often, when we have many ways to solve a question and to reach its solutions. And if someone also has his own creative way. The only way we would take, is the teachers route.

A quote fits best – A teacher should teach ‘how’ to think, not ‘what’ to think.

This results in no use of our own creativity and makes us rely completely on others.

4. Respecting Elders, No Matter What Happens

Giving respect to elders is on the other side and following elders blindly is another. 
I have seen many teachers who punish students by words. And believe me it hurts more than physical punishment. Telling a growing up kid that he cannot do anything in future, everyone is better than him in class, this surely results in low self esteem and self doubt.

The focus has to be – give respect to all humans and moreover who deserves.

I really appreciate the Good Teachers Out There.

Thanks for Reading .



Aman Daniel
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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