This Download Changed The Direction of My Reality

I haven’t been the same since.

Khalimah Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readAug 15, 2023


Photo by Khalimah Malik

“How did I get here?”

It started with that one question.

As a multi-talented, skilled, and creative individual, I just didn’t understand why I wasn’t further along in life. Then the next series of questions looked like this:

Why was I still living at my family’s house?

Why was I making less money than I was in my early 20s?

Why was I showing up for everyone else’s goals but mine?

Why haven’t I built a 6-figure brand and now enjoying the fruits of being financially independent?

Unconsciously, all the ‘whys’ were a way for me to shift the blame as if something external was the cause of my present circumstances. I knew better but still needed to release the victim’s energy.

Then, one download about intention and one day of pure self-reflection changed the course of my reality. My self-awareness was ignited to new heights.

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Repeated Cycles

Running into that concrete wall was more of a routine than an anomaly. But when I embarked on the journey of introspection, I started noticing a pattern.

By mapping out the major events of the past half-decade, the continuity of my mistakes became evident. It wasn’t just life happening to me; I was making the same missteps time and again. This pattern revealed an unnerving reality: my lack of intentionality.

Unclear of What I Wanted

The spirit of indecisiveness was my biggest downfall. It was like I was trying to cater to the goals and desires of multiple personalities so deciding on one thing was impossible. I felt like being pulled in a thousand directions.

Every time an opportunity came knocking, I found myself asking, “Is this what I truly want, or am I just fitting into another mold?” This inability to discern my personal goals from the overwhelming noise around me was a silent sabotage.

No Boundaries

I had none up until about a year ago. The noble traits of love and compassion quickly grew into a weakness. While I freely gave my time, energy, and resources, I was met with an imbalance. A drained life force.

Every moment spent assisting someone felt like a moment stolen from my growth. This unreciprocated effort and energy was my reality until I made a deliberate choice: the birth of clear and non-negotiable boundaries.

No Consistency

If there was an award for ‘The Person with The Most Incompleted Projects’ I would’ve won it.

Starting projects? Easy. Following through? A colossal challenge.

The initial excitement of a new project was electrifying, but like a fire without fuel, it died down rapidly. It wasn’t laziness or an inability to be committed, but rather the intimidation of adversity.

At the hint of a challenge, my instinct was to retreat. Adversity was overshadowing my aspirations. The real test for me was in confronting and overcoming my hurdles.

The Wrap Up

Facing these hard truths, I was no longer the puppet but the puppeteer. By understanding and then breaking my self-imposed chains, I embarked on a journey of intentionality.

Today, as I shape my reality with purpose and clarity, I share my story as a testament that self-awareness is the compass that directs us to our desired destination.

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Khalimah Malik | Founder of Society144



Khalimah Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |