This Exercise Can Tell You So Much About Yourself

Let’s start with some questions

Vedprakash Jangid
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readFeb 3, 2022


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

I have some questions for you.

Do you know who you are?

Do you know who you are not?

Can you define yourself?

Do you know everything about yourself?

Take your time and answer these questions. Because they are important. Why?

Let me explain.

There is a quote that says,

“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” -Lao Tzu

All of us have dreams to live, goals to accomplish, and desires to fulfil. We aspire to become something, to do something great in our lives, to change something.

For any of this to happen, you have to know what stage you are at right now. You have to know what to change before you can actually change it. You have to know everything about yourself before you can decide what your strengths and weaknesses are, what qualities you already have and what you require to reach a certain level.

If you haven’t got to the stage you want to get to, there must be something wrong. Maybe you are lacking somewhere. Maybe you don’t have the qualities or skill set required. Perhaps there is something wrong with your attitude or personality.

Whatever it is, you won’t be able to find out until you know who you are.

So, I have an exercise that can help you recognize yourself and give you more control over your life.

The Exercise

This exercise is simple, practical, and exciting. It’s a Q&A activity in which answers are your main focus.

Let’s start.

Following are some questions you will need. You can edit them once you understand how the exercise works.


Q1. What qualities do you think I have?

Q2. What skills do you think I lack and should develop?

Q3. What are the things you like about me?

Q4. What are the things you don’t like about me?

Q5. What do you think I am good at?

Q6. What are the areas I should work on?


To make it easy, I divided the exercise into simple steps. Follow them in the given order.

Step1: Ask yourself

In this step, answer the above questions on your own with sincerity and honesty. Prefer not to answer in a hurry.

Step2: Ask people

After completing step 1, ask the same questions to the people who know everything about you. People who will answer honestly, straight forward, without any biases. Do tell them that they can take as much time as they want and answer later.

Ask at least 3 or 4 people to get better results. And ask them separately, not in a group. Otherwise, their answers will be affected by the other participant’s opinion.

Step3: Compare

Compare the answers of all participants with each other and look for similarities.

If a majority of participants give similar answers to one or more questions, then those answers are most likely to be true.

Actually, almost all the answers will be true even if there are no similarities. Because sometimes, what one person can see in you, the other can’t. After all, different people have different perspectives.

What is the need to involve other people?

I know some individuals feel like they know themselves better than anybody else. But trust me, there are several things which only other people can tell you about yourself. Therefore, their participation is a must.


Since this exercise is about you, the answers should be as precise as possible. Hence, it’s important to approach people who know you very well, who are honest and straight-forward and who will make the right judgement. Only these people will answer sincerely and responsibly.


The exercise completes with step 3.

Now look closely and you will realize all the answers say so much about who you are, about your personality, attitude, good and bad traits, and a lot more.

I can tell from my own experience with this exercise that you won’t regret doing it at all. In fact, you will benefit so much from it.

Now that you know yourself much better than before, make sure to

“stick with what is good in you forever and change what needs to be changed”.

I strongly encourage you to do this exercise. And

I would love to hear what you feel about it.

Good day.

