This is My STORY

Stop worrying and start living.

Pavan kumar
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash:

Stop where you are, my friend. Why are you hustling so much, for nothing? Calm your mind, and listen to yourself for a while. So much relentlessness brewing within your soul that is your own. Why are you tormenting it, for nothing? Your mind is foggy and a vague vision cannot see for far. Hold your mind in silence for a while, my friend. There is no point in rushing through life with so much heaviness on your soul and mind.

You are suffering and will continue to do so until you realize the true essence of living. It is your life. It is your story. You are the narrator of this story. All the experiences, all the losses and wins, and all joys and sorrows have taught a single valuable lesson: you are in the lead role of this story. Without you, it all means nothing. You give your life a meaning. You are capable of finding solutions to every question life throws at you. All you need to do is sit with yourself and talk.

Under the cover of calmness, clarity of mind gets strength. All the randomness and chaos subside and, eventually, perish. Tranquility gives way to the state of mind we all call happiness.

You must not be worried about the problems in your life. Let them come. Take one problem at a time. Make a simple plan to solve the problem- simplicity is the beauty of life. And there is



Pavan kumar
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Peace of mind is the most valuable treasure of all.I wandered all around in search of it.It is within me that I found it.