This Is What Happens When You’re a Total Beginner

Lessons from Aerial Yoga

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


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I had my second aerial yoga class yesterday and as fun and challenging as it was, it also brought to the surface some things that have been dormant for a while.

Being a beginner is scary, and I am a complete beginner at aerial yoga. Making mistakes or not getting something right is an expected, natural part of the process. Rationally speaking, failure shouldn’t hurt too much in this case, right?

So why did it crush my ego so much when I panicked during the frog inversion pose (I had only done one other upside down pose before)? My body isn’t used to being upside down, so until I get used to being comfortable in this pose, it’s perfectly normal to have moments of uncertainty. And yet here I am, a day later, beating myself up about it (although I did manage to get back into the pose and hold it for a few breaths after the initial panic).

My worst insecurities and beliefs resurfaced. I compared myself to one of the other girls in the class who was doing all the poses perfectly and all the initial excitement of discovering this new hobby faded. My mind was trying to convince me that I probably shouldn’t do it any more.

In situations like this, we usually have two options: either we believe our thoughts and give up on…



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Editor at KTHT & Hobbies & Stories. Penning, polishing, and provoking thoughts. My online presence is vast, explore it here: