This Is Why You Make Excuses

The Hidden Reasons Behind Your Excuses and How to Overcome Them

Søcrä Tës
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


A man at dusk on a path
(image created by Sea art)

Excuses are easy, aren’t they? They roll off the tongue without much thought.

“I’ll start tomorrow.” “I’m too busy right now.” “I don’t have what it takes.”

We say these things almost without realizing we’re doing it. But deep down, you know they’re not true. So why do we do it? Why do we keep making excuses?

I think it’s because it’s safer. Excuses keep us from facing the hard truth about ourselves, from admitting that we’re scared, or unsure, or maybe even a little lost.

The Fear Beneath the Excuses

If you peel back the layers of every excuse you’ve ever made, I bet you’ll find fear sitting at the core. Fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of the unknown. We make excuses because they protect us from the possibility of falling flat on our faces. They give us a way out, a reason not to try.

It’s easier to say,

“I don’t have time,” than to say,

“I’m scared I’ll fail.”

Because admitting we’re scared feels like admitting we’re not enough. And that’s the real reason behind most excuses—deep down, we’re afraid we’re not good enough.



Søcrä Tës
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I love to share what I experience everyday in the light of my philosophical studies.