This Simple Word Can Magically Change Someone’s Life

It changed mine, and I feel liberated

Melanie J.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo Credit: Pixabay

I am no longer afraid — I finally learned how to say NO unapologetically, and I feel liberated! This simple, simple word has magical powers — it has the power to release someone from being a victim and transform them into a survivor.

Perhaps not a big deal to some of you reading, but for me, this was a giant feat that I have been celebrating. There were many times in my relationships, both business and personal, where I said yes, even when I meant to say no, can you relate?

I wasn’t assertive, I lacked self-awareness and self-confidence, I did not want to disappoint anyone, I wanted people to like me, I wanted to always be generous, I wanted to show that I cared — I wanted to please everyone by gaining their validation and approval. So, I said yes…but I really meant no. I lacked the inner strength to say that magical word NO — so I became a slave and a victim because of it.

You think you’re being nice, but all you are is a people-pleaser

People-pleasing can become toxic, especially when dealing with people who have their own agendas. For instance, the goal of a narcissist is to gain validation by taking the power from someone who is less assertive as…

