Through Adversity, We Find Our True Potential.

Monday: Chaos is fertile soil for creativity

Wilfredo Resto
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels

This has been a year full of challenges: many lost family members, friends, and jobs. The stress levels have risen, and mental health has known chaos. But not everything is negative. We have shown resilience and have proven that nothing will bring us down permanently.

“Be the One: Serve. In life, it’s not what happens to you, but what happens in you and through you that counts. When adversity visits your life, you have two choices: to be a victim or to be a victor.” — John Maxwell.

Oxford language defines resilience as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Adversity is essential to find our true potential, and it is through difficult times when we show our true colors.

Thanks to this pandemic, many of my friends and family have lost their jobs and turned their side business or hobbies into a solid income. In most cases earning more than at their former jobs. A friend used to make items personalization using custom stickers.

She personalized mugs, planners, tumblers, and many other items; it was her hobby, only doing it a few times a…



Wilfredo Resto
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A dog trainer who loves writing, reading, self-development, leadership, animals, growth, and travel.