To Burn Out or to Fire Up?

It’s all in your head, and the answer… is yours to choose!

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Photo by Manyu Varma on Unsplash

At my last job, a few colleagues noticed I was getting burned out and warned me. I was surprised as I actually felt good. But it made me start thinking about it.

People often feel burned out lately. Too much work, pressure, and harsh competing conditions. They experience nervous breakdowns and recourse to medicine and other remedies.

But still, something was off with their foresight. I saw none of the burn-out effects creeping onto me. I was curious what has made others think that way.

The position was quite a stretch, a few grades above my previous jobs. It was intense, from early morning hours till late afternoons. Day after day. But it felt good. I loved where I was and what I was doing.

It might all have changed within me, because of me. Because of a simple phrase.

When I started my first cISO position, I was cramped. My ‘Impostor syndrome’ started taking swings at me. I felt I was not up for the task. After all, I have just stepped into a huge crater, caused by a massive cyber security breach.

I signed a one-year contract to design and build the information security management system…



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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