To Forgive but Not to Forget

A Gateway to Wellness and Wholeness

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


A text written on a paper “ forgive dont forget”
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We ‘nurse’ our wounds cover them and hope that concealing will keep them clean and heal quicker. However, sometimes, all it takes is slowly peeling back the edge of the bandage, exposing the wound, and allowing it to air out and heal.

Hurt leads to bitterness, bitterness to anger, travel too far that road and the way is lost — Terry Brooks.

Our unresolved hurt that we allow to fester makes us bitter.

There may have been valid reasons for feeling resentment, however, letting it putrefy into bitterness, can only harm our physical and psychological well-being.

Resentment is “anger on steroids”- deep, long-lasting and harmful.

Continued negative thoughts about a wrong done prompt the brain to keep producing more toxic chemicals, an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The accumulation of anger or fear chemicals can lead to physical discomfort, as stored energy manifests as pain in the body — a phenomenon referred to as “somatization.”
Various parts of the body store stress, including the lower back, gut, torso, head, shoulders, throat, jaw, pelvic floor, hips, and lungs. A lot of our pain is psychosomatic.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Entrepreneur, Mom, Wife, Daughter—Pausing to Recharge, Reflect, and Reinvent. Finding solace in self-expression through my writings.