To Know Love, Is To Know Self.

Self-worth, loving self, what does that really mean?

The Monster Guide To Life
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


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It’s quite a common thing these days, the understanding that in order to be able to truly experience love with someone else, requires you to love yourself first, have self-worth.

As much as anyone can without it venturing down the narcissism scale too far. But how? To what extent? What does ‘loving self’ actually mean? It actually sounds a little messed up to me.

Self-love is one of those things that seems to get misunderstood, I often see examples of people not really getting past the ‘love yourself, put yourself first’ part of it. As though it gets stuck somewhere between the real self and the ego. And so instead of being ‘self-love’ it becomes more selfish and narcissistic.

The ego has nothing to do with authentic love or self-worth, but I get why it becomes a grey area, it’s a fine, delicate line we all walk. And we all slip into both sides from time to time. The trick is finding balance.

What it’s really about is self-acceptance. Knowing self. Being comfortable in your own skin. You can’t or certainly shouldn’t physically love yourself, I’m not even sure that’s possible. The far end…

