Today I Am

A poem on the last day of my life.

Anthony V. Lombardo
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Giulia Veneziano on Unsplash

Today I am.
Starting over.
Wiping the slate clean of who I think I am
and what I believe I can be.

Today I am.
Not looking to succeed
but rather to lose myself
in the preciousness of empty space.

Today I am.
Open to possibility.
Longing for nothing
other than to be here.
With you.

Today I am.
In the midst of a great love affair with the present moment.

Today I am.
Letting go of the charades,
the performances,
and the high-wire acts of achievement.

Instead, I will do my soul’s handiwork.
Just being.

Today I am.
Drinking from the fountain of the infinite
while exerting less effort,
exuding more grace,
and embodying the source…



Anthony V. Lombardo
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Anthony V. Lombardo is a meditation artist, explorer of consciousness, and website consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Join the Tribe: