Tracking The Sun

In The Northern Hemisphere, Where Summer’s Heat Ruled


Tracking The Sun on My Magnet-Heat-Hot House in Summer/Or When to Turn on The Fan | Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

This summer (2024), we’ve had many hot days. Temperatures were over 104˚F/ 40˚C.

My window air conditioning unit in the kitchen failed to keep up with the high temperatures. The builder's choice of placing the kitchen on the southwest side of the house was a bad one.

The builder did not have to deal with global warming and was foolish regarding insulation. He filled the cinder blocks with cement, turning them into temperature-sucking magnets. In summer, heat radiates through the walls and saturates the interior with heat waves. In winter, cold and dampness invade and settle inside like flood waters.

Day after day in July, the temperature rose to 104 to 109˚F/40 to 43˚C for up to seven days. My thinking diminished in its cognitive efficacy. Cooking was out unless one liked barbeque (I don’t), and eating was energy-draining. Sleep was an art in itself.

My office and living room are on the northeast side of the house and stay cool in the summer months. When the sun dropped, I started to set an alarm. The alarm signaled me to enter the bedroom (southwest side) and start the fan.

Light Changes/Alarm Setting



Frank Ontario 🦋🕊️🌍
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Welcome to the Realms of Mystery. Top Writer in Spiritual Energy. Messenger. Explorer of the heart.