Transform the Pain with Love

What I learned about the ‘alchemy of war’ while in Jerusalem.

Pam Lilak
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readOct 23, 2023


Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

Two weeks ago in Jerusalem. Memories take me back to Saturday morning, October 7. Between the sounds of sirens, explosions, and the church bells that continued to ring as scheduled.

I keep going back to the Garden Tomb. For me, the most peaceful place in Jerusalem. I feel the tomb is the place of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now it is alive again, serving as a resurrection portal for all the souls who are tragically losing their lives.

I arrived Saturday morning at 8:30 when the garden opened and went directly to the tomb. There is an intention, a prayer that I like to imprint with my hands. With Spikenard oil on my ring fingers, I imprinted into the stone, “I anchor the red ruby ray of love and the blue light of the divine, here where the male and the female meet in the center of the heart.”

With the intention to bring harmony, unity, and balance to all that is.

In an absolutely blissful state, I could have stayed all day. Yet something inside said to leave the tomb and go to the well. Then I heard explosions and sirens and learned Israel declared war.

To go from the ‘heaven of the resurrection’ to the ‘hell of war’ in seconds. A feeling I will never forget.

Yet, what carried me the next hours and day was coming back to the center point. Remaining hopeful, loving, logical, and decisive. I share this story since this is what I feel is needed now- to remain neutral, in union, in balance.

But how? When so many people are being killed, violently, there seems to be no end.

At first, I wrote many words of disgust as I watched a Palestinian woman cry at the border crossing, as I watched the Israeli police stop Muslim women from going to the mosque to pray. At the same time, the Jewish men, arms-length away from the women, sang and danced at the Temple Mount door. I watched the news of the massacre with the terror on the faces of people who were kidnapped. I watched the relentless bombings of Gaza and now the humanitarian crisis unfolding.

I can go on and on, but it does not help the situation.

What helps is to do our best to transform the pain with love. To watch with neutrality is to feel it and then send all of it love. In my meditations, I return to my heart space and to the resurrection tomb. A portal of neutrality, where the extremes are transmuted into unity. Where the souls cross over.

Bringing unity and balance to all that is. From this place, we wish for peace. Instead of hating, judging, and feeding the already negative cycle of violence that is gripping the world.

There are two sides to every story. When we are too strong on either side, we then are in a place of judgment, fear, and violence. Making the situation worse.

Real peace is when we as human beings can come into the place within our hearts to look at every being as equal. To see the pain in ALL. To feel it and transform it with the power of our love.

This past Saturday we entered a new season with the new moon in Libra and a Solar Eclipse that moved across the Americas.

Libra seeks balance. Eclipses bring up what is repressed, hidden, the good and the bad. It forces us to transform. As humanity, are we able to transform pain with love?

We live in a world of opposites. Polarity. Without duality, creation would not be possible.

The extremes are expressing right now. As the opposites express and release, we gradually come back to the center point. To the unity. That is what we all want.

In unity, there is wholeness. To be whole in mind, body, and spirit as we live our lives. With freedom of speech, movement, families, jobs, food, safety, and shelter.

I pray for a world that finds its way to balance. To union.



Pam Lilak
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Excited about spirituality, mysticism, and the potential for all of life to transform. Exploring the world’s hidden secrets, sacred sites, and mystical corners.