Trying our Best to Connect



as long as you are willing, you are able.
don’t be scared to lay your cards on the table.
listen, yes. yes, speaking less is sometimes best…
…but sometimes speaking up can be generous.

it can be messy, painful, hard, and hurtful,
been imperfect since before Cain & Abel.

(after all, we are human).

with love, compassion, and consideration,
please share your thoughts, wisdom, and inspiration.

heavy, push, pull… feelings can be volatile.
our souls must be cradled, gently held, stable.
protect ourselves, yes… we do know ourselves best,
but being brave and opening up is blessed.

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

yes. your courage to be open is so blessed.



Isabelle (Iz) Tran
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

MD Student at the Burnett SOM at TCU @TCUBurnettMed & Anteater Alum @UCIrvine ‘19. Aspiring psychiatrist, innovator, writer... basically a renaissance woman.