Turning 30 in 20 Days. Get me Your Best Wishes and Tips for This Decade

Well, in less than 20 days I am turning 30. YEEEI.

Gladys Carmina
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Gladys Carmina Instagram

On May 18th comes my sweet 30’s.

Am I excited? — Yes.

Am I terrified? — Heck yes.

Please assure I get all the good tips before I turn 30, and what should I expect from this new decade.

Here a few thoughts on turning 30’s:

  1. Turning 30 is about entering to the truth adulthood. The precious twenties were a free trial of what adulthood could be.
  2. At 20, legally you are an adult who can freely live at your parents and it’s totally normal. Leave the house at 25, and you still on time, even a bit early. Living at your parents in your 30’s is quite not acceptable. That’s so much stress and pressure on a baby 30 y’old.
  3. Turning 30 feels exciting to me. I am saying this, 20 days before my birthday. Ask me one day before.

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