Under the Duvet

Rationalising the weight of the wait.

Nicola POWYS
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Pan, resting. Drawing by the author.

The weight of expectation, anticipation; the weight of a corporeal mass and it’s possible potential.

The heaviness of heaving this weight of water, fat, and sinew into a respectable, functioning being — why is it so hard to just be?

To float lightly — skim the surface, libelule-like — gossamer thin — irrelevant to anyone but oneself?

I am lead in my efforts to age well — plumbing the depths of moderation obsessively to fulfil the brief — the legacy of my kind: live the long, healthy, happy existence that others died for so that you can.

Ungrateful? No — grateful I am to be here, now, thriving. I have arrived. I am here, doing it — doing what others can only dream of.

It’s not enough though — and the weight of this knowledge bows me down.

Picasso said it — his last works are testament to his striving to stay travelling: search for your five-year-old self — unlearn what you know. Be guileless, be open — never stop looking.

I am an artist. Everyday, I show up to play. I look so others can see — I make so others can imagine.

I love my life — yet yearn for collaborators — for those who understand why — the ones who are busy doing, being, flowing…

Because the others are heavy and the effort needed to lighten their loads can overwhelm.

Meanwhile, the wait for a legacy — the wait for an approbation that will never come.

The weight of time.

The wait.

No time.



Nicola POWYS
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Artist, activist and writer using words and paint existentially. Find my artwork here: htpps//www.instagram.com/playspowys