Nothing replaces Oneness (maybe)

Thursday: Penetrate the part of you connected to the whole

In Native American traditions there is a ritual amongst shamans: “traveling” to the void. This is a potentially dangerous endeavor.

Why? Some shamans “come back” catatonic for days, weeks or months.

Nevertheless, I decided to “go”.

I have a recording by a shaman known as a Kaichi from the Altai Mountains. Listening to his chanting that easily induces trance in which surrendering is relatively easy. My friend and I used it several times to open up an interdimensional gateway to access Shambhalla — that is a story for a different time.

Returning from the Void

The only way I knew that I had been was when I returned. Okay, start from the beginning if there is such a place. I set an intention to go and readied my being to relinquish whatever was needed from me. I laid down on my massage table while listening to the Kaichi chanting. I was induced into a deep trance.

When I returned — came out of trance as if emerging from hibernation. I was motionless / still for some minutes — no catatonia — unless the stillness was the catatonia.

I felt stripped of the superfluous.

I felt clean and pure.

An Impossible Explanation

My Guides — The Twelve informed me that when a human surrenders to the void they surrender ego and self into the nothingness of void. Remembering what occurred is impossible because there is no point of remembrance.

If there was a state of oneness I cannot remember it.

I felt a pure singularity that was me.

©2021 F. K. Ontario



Frank Ontario 🦋 Balance 🕊️ Peace 🍏 Earth Lover
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Welcome to the Realms of Mystery. Top Writer in Spiritual Energy. Messenger. Explorer of the heart.