Want To Stop Hurting Yourself? Listen, Recognize, and Acknowledge Your Self-Care Needs.

How To Stop Being Selfish To Yourself!

O.J Ebubeoha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJun 18, 2023


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

This week, I woke up to chaos.

My confusion and mental trauma intensified when I realized a personal project I thought I had under control wasn’t as rosy as it first appeared.

The pressure to grasp what was happening took me unawares, disrupted my week, and almost shoved me into a hurtful mental cage guarded by anxiety and stress.

But I didn’t let my chaos win.

I didn’t act selfishly and hurt myself because I wanted to get ahead of my problems.

No! I did the exact opposite.

I listened to my body and spirit telling me to pause, or I’d break. Not just mentally; but physically and emotionally if I pushed too hard.

Letting it go wasn’t the easiest, but it was the right thing to do.

So, I did it.

I took a break from —

— Feeling guilty.

— Feeling scared.

— Feeling anxious.

— Feeling stressed.

— Feeling unprepared.

— Analyzing problems.

— Feeling overwhelmed.

— Lashing out at myself.

— Blaming myself for not knowing sooner.

And it worked.

Prioritizing my self-care needs helped me find the calm to swim through my chaos unscathed. I put my self-care needs first and found clarity through my confusion.

Why Do We Act Selfishly Towards Ourselves?

Often, we disregard and repress our self-care needs because we don’t classify self-care as necessary.

When we do this, we’re being selfish.

Yes! We're not being mindful because we focus on —

— Ourselves.

— Our goals.

— Our plans.

We don’t care if our body runs on fumes or exhaustion cripples our system. We keep going without listening until we collapse.

It’s funny how we forget we’re one with our body and spirit.

We’re spiritually bonded and inseparable. So, when we hurt our bodies by not listening, we hurt ourselves, too.

How To Stop Hurting Ourself.

We must listen, recognize, and acknowledge what our body needs to stop hurting ourselves.

— If it demands rest, we must rest.

— If it screams for a nap, take a nap.

— We must listen if it urges us to stop thinking and move on.

— If it prompts us to walk, watch a movie, or cry. We must do it.

— If it demands, we share our burden. Talk to someone you trust.

No questions asked. Don’t repress your self-care needs. Just do what it says to revive your body and spirit.

Final Thoughts:

No rule says rushing through your struggles and hurting yourself is the best way out of chaos.

Pause, stay still, and listen.

It’ll save you the trauma, mindless unproductive thinking, and restlessness that comes with the chaos. Trust me; you don’t want to give in to it. It is worse on the inside than it feels on the outside.

So, from me to you, stay mindful always.

Hi, I’m Jane. I enjoy sharing articles about gratitude, growth, healing, wellness, and intriguing, relatable topics.

Thank you for reading my piece. I hope you’ll share your thoughts on it.

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O.J Ebubeoha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | www.ojebubeoha.com | www.linkedin.com/in/ebubeohajane