We Will Breathe

Camille Prairie
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readMay 7, 2021


A song to join the ancient hum of resistance

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Written with gratitude for the container of sisterhood and for all of the men that have given me space to be myself, and to breathe

Open your eyes

Widen your narrow mind

you insidious man

Representative of the elite

Of whiteness

Of the power hungry demons that feed on inequity

When will you see that your struggle to oppress us

Will never end

You will always be fighting

Like a murderer trying to silence the screams of his victim

Struggling to hold us in the prison you have created to oppress us

Some would call “American culture”

“our society”

Did you account for the fact that we are fighters

Have you thought about the fact that we have been singing a resistance song since the beginning of time

Don’t try to lay a trap for me by giving me what looks like a get out of jail free card

Thinking I will value my whiteness over my womanhood

I was not born



Camille Prairie
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

NC-based freelance-writer and semi-functional 25 year old navigating what it means to be an adult. Find me at https://camilleprairie.co