Weekly Prompt: 29th of March-2nd of April

Introspection & transition series

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by mohamed Hassan de la Pixabay

Long time no see!

Just kidding. We’re always keeping in touch over here.

It’s the last week of March, which means it is also the last week of the introspection & transitions series before we change things around here again. As Evan Williams stated in his latest update regarding Medium publications: “I consider embracing change one of our biggest strengths.”

Me too, Ev, me too. I think one of the reasons this publication is thriving is due to our willingness to adjust, adapt and improve constantly. Let me know if you agree or disagree. I am always keen on receiving your feedback!

One of the changes that we are going to implement starting this week is to include prompt ideas suggested by our writers on Slack. If you’re not part of it yet, you may wish to consider joining.

What this means is, apart from the 3 prompts I release weekly, you will also have the option of writing on topics suggested by your colleagues at Know Thyself. Isn’t that exciting? Hell yes, it is!

Big & exciting things are coming up for KTHT. As suggested by Anthi Psomiadou, hosting a podcast in the near future is on the list as well as building a website with the help of Riku Arikiri & few others…



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts / linktr.ee/ktht