What is a Soul Family

I love you, my dear sister. Facebook friend or not.

Joy Lin
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readSep 23, 2021


Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash

My sister and I are not close.

If we weren’t sisters, I am not sure we would even be friends. It is funny to think that we grew up together without killing each other. Don’t be mistaken; we quarrelled, made up, compete against each other while growing up.

At some stage, we grew apart.

She still hasn’t accepted my request to connect on social media and made it clear that she doesn’t intend to. My friends say that I am different from my sister, and we have different values, thoughts, and approaches to life.

But occasionally, I get an insight into her mind, and I am reminded of her humanity. When I am sick, she won’t hug me or often call to check on me. But she will scour the internet to find the proper medication and share helpful resources and research to ease me.

Our connection or the lack thereof is a part of both our journeys. How we interact, push each other’s buttons, and how we differ and clash is needed to make us the people we are.

Some say you can’t choose your family, but I believe in some ways we do. Before we came here, in this life, we not only chose our family but engaged in some sort of soul contract to help learn our lessons. These were set up to help us grow and become who we need to be.

When your mother tells you that you are fat, it is an opportunity to learn self-love.
When your brother betrays your trust, it is a lesson in vulnerability Or perhaps forgiveness.

These people are your first teachers, and their lessons pave the way for your future relationships. But remember, they are human too, and their soul journey is unique to them.

Remove ourselves from issues and see our family members as souls coming into this life to assist our journey. These being challenge us most and also love us the most.
They love us enough to hurt us and call us out when needed. They test our patience and love by pushing our boundaries.
Not afraid to ask too much of you, not scared to question your intentions. They betray you, and yet ask to be loved and forgiven; these are soul connections that only family can have.

A soul family.



Joy Lin
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

My name is Joy Lin and I have been a spiritual medium for over 10 years. For more information on my journey and services go to theclosetmedium.com