What is Autopilot Life — How to leave it?

Shift your brain from autopilot to conscious brain.

Fahim chughtai
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


What is Autopilot Life — How to leave it?
Image created by the author on Canva

You are aware of your thought patterns, but you feel hopeless or stuck, unable to get out of them. You have to know about your subconscious mind.

Most of us are unconsciously hooked, wholly hypnotized by our stream of endless chatter. If you pause after reading this, watch your thoughts, you will notice this. You might also feel frustrated and anxious; the subconscious mind doesn’t like being witnessed.

It prefers to run to show.

To “awaken” is not a spiritual experience.

To awaken is to leave the hypnosis of our thoughts to become conscious.

It is only through consistent, new small choices that we find transformation.

When we are conscious, we have access to choice.

Transformation can’t be given to us. It must be practiced every day.

When we respond in new ways, when we make new choices, our brain creates new neural pathways. With repetition, the paths break up our old conditioning.

What is an autopilot?

Autopilot is a subconscious brain function that



Fahim chughtai
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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