What is Feminine Embodiment?

How you can embody the feminine through the 4 pillars of embodiment

Emily Grace Smith
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readApr 30, 2023


Image by Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash

I’ve learned through my own experiences, and those of my community and clients, that more and more sensitive, soulful women are realizing that they’re no longer in alignment with hustling or holding as much as they have in the past in their careers and relationships.

We currently live during a time where society has embodied hyper-masculine traits: striving towards goals, focusing on future progression, with an energy of moving up and outward.

This results in most individuals — male, female or non-binary — valuing, practicing and living with these strongly developed masculine qualities and skills.

From this place, it’s easy for individuals (women and women-identifying in particular) to feel they are ‘too masculine’ or ‘not feminine enough’, when in reality, it’s rather that their inherent feminine skills of feeling and flowing are underdeveloped.

There is an element of understanding and embodying healthy masculine, however this masculine energy is easily brought into balance when the healthy feminine is developed and embodied.

Women are realizing that they want to receive more, soften and live more slowly. Yet still, they find themselves pulled into the…



Emily Grace Smith
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Author, speaker, and coach for purpose-filled living. Take my free quiz, What Goddess Type Do You Need to Embody https://bit.ly/3DyUgq2