
What Is The Truth Of My Current Situation

Time to Reflect

Destiny S. Harris
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJun 7, 2021


Photo by J. Balla Photography on Unsplash

My mother sent me the following message the other day: “We need to ask ourselves, what is the truth in my current situation?”

It’s such a thought-provoking question: What is the truth of your situation?

  • Maybe you are overweight, and you are eating and living in a way that will keep you overweight.
  • Maybe you are in debt, broke, and not in a financially healthy place. Your choices lately are only perpetuating the situation — bringing you further under.
  • Maybe you are living somewhere that you don’t really enjoy, yet you still haven’t moved.
  • Maybe you are staying in a relationship that doesn’t bring you happiness and fulfillment. Maybe you are staying out of obligation because of the repercussions that could ensue or because it’s “comfortable” and “easier” to stay put.
  • Maybe you’re depressed, and there are reasons — you are not dealing with — keeping you in a state of depression.
  • Maybe the truth of your situation is that you are struggling with addiction.
  • Maybe the truth of your situation is that you are too lazy to change your situation even though you aren’t satisfied with your situation.

