When It is Time to Move On

A poem about despondency, and the bewildering weight of unfulfilled expectations.

Riku Arikiri
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash

the recluse of life is indefinitely severe
heavier on the heart, and harder to bear

here, there, we try to emigrate
running away to a place of solace

comforting thoughts ushering in our blindness
while the people around us pay no mind

whatever will happen, the worry appears
can I be free, from this despair

will I dispel this agonizing fear,
will she love me, for whatever I gave her dear

I wait and wait for her to notice I’m here
but only naught is what I experience near

oh dear, I fear, I fear it all will end
I might wait too long, and she might never come

what if I close my eyes, and imagine it as I bear
the pain, the sorrow, the tearful release

but then again, who am I kidding,
she left me for dead, why am I still here

why, oh why, should I just disappear,
yes, I’ll disappear, it’s time to say; goodbye…



Riku Arikiri
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.