When it Happens, Let it Happen.

Don’t try to touch it, and don’t try to define it.

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 8, 2024


Pic by Author — Inside NewVilla — Magic and Meaning —June 2024


The magic we have in us is enormous.
You’ve heard me say that before. It needs to be said again.

Why do I call it magic? Because we don’t understand how it works, but it moves, makes, shapes, and creates things that are unexplainable.


We have this ability to ascribe meaning.

We give meaning to events, situations, things.
Things that would otherwise be just things.

Things that to other people really are just things.
But we do something, and those things take on great meaning.

Like a meditating cat and a string of charms.

Suddenly these things are more than things.
They do things to us without us even trying.

With just a glance, they can..

Create emotion,
Create feelings,
Create movement in a day.
Evoke memories, bring tears, bring joy.


We have this magic all on our own.
And then the magic grows when certain people happen to come along.

When your magic is a match with their magic.
When your soul intermingles with theirs.

Your magic mixes, and a new cocktail of potent possibility emerges.

When there’s a match, there is no denying it. You feel it.

When your energy, your life, your essence blends openly and freely with another in-kind, BOOM! An explosion of cotton candy color with power and force.

Some call this love.
I would call it that too.

But don’t confuse this with the flavor of movie played love.

I would say we are love,
and certain souls ignite that love in you,
and your soul ignites the love in them.

And possibility explodes, magic rises, the world opens.


But you can’t hold onto it.
Don’t try to define it.
I wouldn’t even try to touch it.
Certainly, do not go hard after it.

I’ve tired and lost.

Just let it be. Let it come.
Don’t question it, just live in it.
Above all else, surrender yourself to it.

The magic we have is enormous.
And if you find others that ignite your own,
don’t think, just feel.
And go with it.

When it happens, let it happen.

And then just wait and watch…. see what happens next!

Let go and Let’s GO!
- jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.